Speaker(s):Prof. Javier Wallace and Prof. Martin Smith
Professors Wallace and Smith present their work-in-progress, a documentary film about the role of sports at Duke through the story of Claudius (C.B.) Claiborne, the university's first Black student-athlete. The film delves into the transformation of Duke Men's Basketball, once racially segregated, and highlights Claiborne's activism during the U.S. civil rights movement and Black power era, contrasting it with players' experiences today. Funmi Ogunro, Emmy-nominated film editor, is co-executive producer of the film.
This event is free and open to the public, no registration required.
This workshop and all others in the series are held in the CDS Bridges Auditorium (B007), 1317 W. Pettigrew Street.
Forum for Scholars and Publics
Center for Documentary Studies (CDS); Franklin Humanities Institute (FHI)