Photo Workshop


Examines historical and contemporary photographic artists for whom a particular photographic technique is essential to the creation of their work. Investigates strategies of intentional lighting. Explores techniques most suited to the documentation of individual student's chosen subject matter and create a cohesive body of work by semester's end employing that strategy. May use digital or analog equipment. No textbooks are required, though students will need to budget a comparable amount for supplies. Instructor consent required. Prerequisite (any one of): DOCST 115S, 119S; ARTSVIS 115S, 119S; VMS 115S; or equivalent experience.

Enroll Consent

Instructor Consent Required

Curriculum Codes
  • ALP
Cross-Listed As
  • ARTSVIS 318S
  • PHOTO 318S
  • VMS 333S
Typically Offered
Spring Only